

Your challenge: 

  • Sourcing and engaging the best contractor talent

  • Navigating complex landscape of regulatory compliance

  • Cost management and reduction

  • Improving visibility of contingent workforce

  • Processes that are not efficient or effective

  • Effective background screening and vetting

  • Business risk mitigation

  • Centralised and consolidated payroll management

Our Solution - Managed Service Provider (MSP):

MSP enables you to harness the benefit of a flexible and cost-effective contract workforce, scaling up and down as needed - whether to quickly fill short-term positions, build a project team or add specialist skills.

Vermelo Client

What do we do that an inhouse team can’t?

Vermelo has many years of experience providing MSP services. Our expertise enables organisations to build an agile contingent workforce and address challenges both locally and globally, through a combination of proven management processes and supply models, investment in technology,  gold-star compliance adherence and strong collaboration between stakeholders. When you have a disparate contract workforce we can pull it together, assess for weaknesses and create ongoing management processes with clear MI visibility.

What makes a successful MSP partnership?

A successful MSP partnership is built by realigning end to end process management, delivering internal buy-in and providing visibility though a clear programme of reporting. Vermelo understands contingent workforce best practice and the complex regulatory landscape, bringing confident and innovative solutions. Initially, an insight and discovery audit is undertaken to illustrate the current situation. A good MSP solution will bring proven sourcing and attraction strategies with consolidated background screening and vetting services alongside efficient engagement and payroll practices. Our experts ensure due diligence and compliance helping organisations navigate the complex regulatory landscapes in the UK, Europe and US, providing business assurance to mitigate associated risks. Combined with cost savings, improved efficiencies and scalability we deliver a business-centric approach that harnesses your contingent workforce.

The key factors of a Vermelo MSP solution

Why choose Vermelo?

Our relationship with our client’s business is at the heart of everything we do. We don’t solely rely on innovative tech to make a process for your business. We create relationships that last with our clients, hiring managers and contractors. This is why we deliver the best talent management for your business and we are proud to be a transparent, friendly and an efficient business partner. We’ll help drive your business into the future. With our expertise in finding the best talent, you can rest assured that your organisation is in safe hands.

Insurance MSP

Our insurance MSP experts are second to none. Not only can we find the best contractors for your roles but we can set-up the complicated administration systems required for success. We can provide advice on contractor hiring regulations, IR35 or something more specific to your business. Take a look at our case studies to find out more.
